Survey Reveals Daily Strains On Working Parents During Pandemic


One in two (49%) wish they could use brand-developed content as an incentive to keep their children productive, 42% want brands to provide more content that educates and entertains, 35% are seeking tools to improve scheduling, 31% want tools to improve the process of doing chores, and 24% wish brands would celebrate them.

Women, notably, are 10% more likely than working dads to desire brands’ recognition and thanking them for their jobs.

“As a working mom myself, I’ve been feeling the pressure of trying to teach my two young kids at home while keeping up my busier than ever work schedule,” says Jennifer DaSilva, President, Berlin Cameron. “It can feel like you’re juggling too many things and something is bound to fall.”

The research reveals working parents are more likely than those without children to feel this crisis has negatively impacted their lives. Two in three (66%) say it has damaged their mental health. Nearly three in 10 (28%) have seriously considered asking to be furloughed or quit their jobs due to their situation at home.