Exploring The Exhaustion Gap

Berlin Cameron, along with Eve Rodsky's Fairplay and Kantar Profiles surveyed 1,000 women between the ages of 25 and 34 to reveal the imbalances between men and women’s daily burdens and its impact on creativity, drive, and wellbeing.

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Kaeyla Willis
The Rise In Caretaker Activism

Research poll of over 1,000 male and female caretakers to find out whether they find themselves diving into more activism, after the last 15 months of political, social, and world health unrest.

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John Vera
Make the Workplace a Safespace

It’s become evident that resources and programs are not enough to alleviate mental health issues at the workplace - but openly discussing them is what’s starting to make a real difference.

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John Vera
Future of Entertainment

Thanks to streaming, content consumption has skyrocketed. There’s endless entertainment to choose from…but most still prefer to hang IRL. People want to see a range of precautions taken for events like SXSW and Comic-Con.

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John Vera
Sports Reimagined

In the face of a global pandemic and reignited demand for racial equality , the sports world is experiencing more pressure than ever to change for the better.

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John Vera

Think the pandemic's the time to pull back on advertising? Think again. Now's the time for brands to speak up and out.

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John Vera
Here's to the Future

From leaving homes less than before, to the impact of the pandemic on personal lives to relocation and some saying they won’t leave their current cities, here’s what the future possibly holds

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John Vera