Why Brands Need To Be Agents of Positive Impact in 2021


Yet, we’ve learned over the last several months that as people we are resilient and determined to find hope and optimism through it all. It’s important to reflect on everything we’ve learned this year, yet we must also look ahead and see how we can create cultural change. To begin this journey, Berlin Cameron partnered with Perksy to get a snapshot of how consumers are feeling about 2021. The good news is: There’s a lot of hope and optimism out there (“hopeful” is the word most associated with 2021). People want to feel connected. They want to take care of themselves and their mental health. And they want brands to be agents of positive impact.

“New Normal” has got to go

Consumers are really, really tired of hearing that phrase, with 59% of respondents saying they never want to hear it again. We’ve had a year of momentous change, and instead of relying on that phrase as a fallback, we should start to look forward to figuring out what “normal” looks like from here on out. And more importantly, since “new normal” will remind people of the anxiety and stress associated with the pandemic, we as advertisers and marketers should look for ways that we can bring more joy into people’s day-to-day lives.

John Vera