How can brands win Super Bowl without spending silly dollars?


Elsa I. González, Senior Strategy Director, Berlin Cameron

According to our research with Perksy, 62% of people watch the Super Bowl for the ads, so it’s not surprising that marketers, big and small, want a piece of that pie and brands of all sizes can certainly take a bite if they look beyond paid media. The key is to find ways to talk about our brand without talking at people in a way that is relevant, that’s why purpose-driven messages can have big impact. According to our research, 73% of people want at least some Super Bowl ads to focus on social causes. So, while some big marketers will spend their dollars trying to go for a big laugh, it could be wise for marketers to gear their social and marketing budgets on the values and social causes that mean the most to you.

Another way to make an impact is to explore partnerships around the Super Bowl. Our research tells us that almost half of people would like to see more female representation in the NFL via coaches, leadership or players, and when it comes to female representation in ads, one participant said "We are tired of models. We want real women! And accuracy! Not all of us wear push up bras, wear makeup and heels 24/7 and drinks beer to impress the boys." This is a real opportunity for relevant brands to look at partnering with key female influencers in football. This gives your brand permission to be in the Super Bowl conversation with media and consumers alike.

John Vera