Apr 27, 2021 - Share Your Story
We all have a story to tell — but all too often, women don’t feel like they have the power to share them. According to a survey from The Self-Promotion Gap, a majority of women (83%) have been inspired by hearing women talk about their successes and accomplishments, but 7 in 10 (69%) women would rather minimize their successes than tell people about them.
This past April 27th, on “National Tell a Story Day,” we aimed to change that: LLSHE by Berlin Cameron, Fly Female Founders, and #Connect4Women presented: Share Your Story, a free virtual speed mentoring event and fireside chat with Rebecca Minkoff aimed at sharing our stories and building lasting relationships that can help to move those stories forward.
5:30 - 6 p.m.
Hear fashion icon Rebecca Minkoff’s story in a fireside chat hosted by WiM Storyteller of the Year winner @Laura Mignott of @DFlash and Fly Female Founders.
6 - 7:00 p.m.
Attendees will be paired with mentors for seven seven-minute speed mentoring sessions.